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Endodontics in simple terms is the branch of dentistry concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of the tooth pulp (tooth nerve or root canal) and surrounding tissues. An Endodontist is the dental specialist that specifically treats tooth pulp in most cases by means of a root canal.

If tooth pulp inflammation or infection is left untreated, the infection can spread beyond the tooth to cause a dental abscess. Warning signs include pain, prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, inability to bite with that tooth, discoloration of the tooth, and swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums. Pain is not a reliable indicator for the seriousness of the infection, as even in the absence of symptoms, the infection could spread and could even lead to life threatening conditions including septicemia.

Also, consumption of antibiotics and pain killers only serve to mask or reduce the symptoms but do not treat the pathology.

So, it is best to get the tooth treated at the earliest.

No. While X-Rays will be necessary during your endodontic treatment, we use an advanced non-film computerized system, called digital radiography. This reduces the already small radiation dose by a further 75%- 80%. For most endodontic treatments 2 or 3 X-rays are all that is required.

Usually it is completed in two visits, but occasionally it may be accomplished in a single visit.

In most cases the quantity and quality of discomfort will subside dramatically within the first 24-48 hours. This can be controlled with over the counter-medication. Any sensitivity to cold, hot or even breathing air ‘in’ will be gone after your visit.

Root canal treatment is a proven and predictable procedure successfully treating the problem in over 95% of cases. As with any dental procedure, however, the success of the treatment is largely dependent on the individual in question and how well the tooth and gum heal following the procedure.

Most teeth can be treated. Occasionally a tooth can’t be saved because the root canals are not accessible, the root is severely fractured, the tooth doesn’t have adequate bone support or the tooth cannot be restored.

However, advances in endodontics are making it possible to save teeth that even a few years ago would have been lost. And, when endodontic treatment is not effective, endodontic surgery may be able to save the tooth.

If the tooth is properly restored, you maintain good oral hygiene, and you visit your dentist for regular checkups, your natural tooth could last for the rest of your life.

In most cases, antibiotics are not required after root canal therapy. You will be given antibiotics if we feel it is necessary. If swelling occurs after root canal therapy or there is severe pain, in most cases we will prescribe antibiotics.

All prescribed medicines should be taken as usual prior to or after all dental appointments. If there is a need for addition or stoppage of a particular medicine, it will be discussed with the patient during the appointment. No change in dosage or frequency of any prescribed drug should be done without prior consent from the physician or the dentist.

As with most other dental procedures you will be able to return to work or other activities immediately following treatment.

It takes about one to two hours for the effect of the local anaesthetic to wear off. Some discomfort following root canal treatment is not unusual and will be taken care of by painkillers. The discomfort is mainly related to biting and usually resolves within 5 to 7 days.

Following completion of root canal treatment, a filling of the cavity will be needed. In many instances this may additionally involve placement of a crown. It is advisable to go for the permanent filling and crown at the earliest, to prevent re-infection. We do not perform crowns for referred patients, but strongly recommend performing post endodontic filling at Root Canal Point after consultation with your referring dentist. Instructions and communication for the same will be discussed with the patient and the referring dentist.

Endodontic treatment generally has a high success rate. The prognosis for individual teeth varies and this will be discussed with you during your consultation appointment. On some occasions endodontic surgery may be required to aid in removal of pathology and healing of tissues around the tooth.

If root canal procedures cannot be performed then the only alternative is extraction of the tooth. The missing tooth should be replaced with an artificial one by an implant or a bridge.?

Learn more about common dental problems and treatments performed by endodontists, specialists in saving teeth. Watch the videos below for a step-by-step explanation of Endodontic procedures from the American Association of Endodontics (AAE). Kindly click on the link below,