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Certain complicated and challenging cases require a specialized set-up and equipment. An endodontic consultant is limited in the armamentarium they can carry along into any clinic. Root Canal Point is equipped with a dental operating microscope, ultrasonic instruments, instrument removal systems, irrigation activation systems, thermo-plasticized obturation equipment etc. This along with the skill set and world renowned and well-proven expertise of Dr. Jojo Kottoor undeniably allow for better outcome and success, even in complicated cases.

For more information, please watch the video

At the earliest possible time. It is best to determine the difficulty of the case with a pre-operative x-ray. This can also be discussed with Dr. Jojo Kottoor via telephone or email. If treatment has been initiated, a referral should be sought at the first sign of trouble (e.g. calcified canal, curved canal, broken instrument). It is best to avoid complications in a case to the point that even advanced intervention is non-beneficial or only partly beneficial.

All cases with doubt or requiring expertise within the scope of pulp and peri-apical tissues can be referred to Root Canal Point. The following are some examples.


  • Diagnosis and localization of pain
  • Diagnosis of pathology
  • Large peri-apical lesions
  • Multiple teeth requiring root canal treatment (Full mouth rehabilitation)
  • Complex root canal systems
    1. Calcified canals
    2. Multiple canals (MB2)
    3. Open apex(Revascularization)
    4. Taurodontism
    5. Dens invaginatus
    6. C-shaped anatomy


  • Additional canals
  • Possible missed canals
  • Curved canals
  • Ledged canals (unable to reach working length)
  • Hot Pulp (Painful pulp)
  • Perforation repair
  • Separated instruments
  • MTA Pulp capping or pulpotomy


  • Persistence of pain
  • Non-healing pathology
  • Extrusion beyond the apex
  • Second opinion of large lesions
  • Root canal re-treatment cases
  • Surgical endodontics

No. Each dentist is trained and skilled in specific aspects of dentistry. In Endodontics, certain cases require expertise, skill set, an approach, set-up, technology, armamentarium, which is exclusive to an Endodontist in a specific Endodontic clinic. That’s what Dr. Jojo Kottoor’s, Root Canal Point aims to achieve, in collaboration with all the referring dentists, by offering the best root canal treatment to their patients.

Only positives, No negative impact.

With the root canal appropriately executed and the pain of the patient relieved, the referring dentist gains a satisfied patient. All patients are sent back for prosthesis of the tooth (crown / FPD) to the referring dentist.

Root Canal Point will limit its treatment and follow-ups to the teeth that it has been referred to. The patient may be contacted for follow-up appointments to check on the health or specific condition of the specific tooth in question.

Root Canal Point is a clinic exclusive and limited to root canal treatment. Additionally, Root Canal Point is a one-man show by Dr. Jojo Kottoor who will be directly interacting with all patients. Dr. Kottoor is a man of extreme integrity and is a complete professional. It is his word that no interaction, how so ever minimal, would happen with the patient regarding other oral or peri-oral issues. The patient would be asked to refer to his dentist for all such matters. If there were a direct case of endodontics, other than that mentioned in the referral form, all communication would be done with the referring dentist prior to any communication with the patient.

Only those teeth that have been specifically mentioned in the referral form would be treated at Root Canal Point. The patient would be referred back for any other procedures, including root canal treatments, if the referring dentist or the patient wishes for the other teeth to be treated by them.

A well-performed root canal procedure can be undone by either delay in placing the final coronal filling into the access cavity or if it is inadequately done. Also, improper coronal permanent restoration is the most important factor that results in endodontic failure. We recommend the post endodontic build-up (cores, post and cores and other restorations) as deemed necessary for the tooth undergoing root canal treatment be performed at Root Canal Point.

Any injured tissue/organ in our body needs rest for enhanced healing. Hence, it is advisable to go for a crown with fully functional occlusal contacts after a month from root canal treatment, unless there is an urgency.

As a specialist in Restorative Dentistry, Dr. Kottoor is highly trained in post-endodontic restorations, which would be done under rubber dam isolation. This protocol would ensure that the referring dentist could directly proceed with crown preparation without compromising on the long-term success of the tooth.

In cases indicated for Surgical Endodontics, root-end resection would be followed by retro-cavity preparation using specialized retrograde ultrasonic tips and MTA retro-filling done under magnification of a surgical microscope.

After the treatment of the referred patient, preoperative radiographs, access opening snap shot image from the microscope and post-operative radiographs would be sent via E mail to the referring dentist for documentation, records and patient education.

Please print and fill-out the attached Referral Card for your patient. It also contains a map and helpful driving directions.